Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The MT gov was a rockstar

Did it translate? Watching from home, did he seem as awesome as he seemed from the floor of the convention? Because we screamed our lungs out for him and his lil bolo.


Susan Benson said...

He was a total rockstar. Yeah--his amperage came through the glowing tube. Jen, I'm loving your posts. Warms the cockles of those of us stuck in TVland. Eric and I have seen you a couple of times, you telegenic thing, you. Very glad that Bosco mentioned your blog on Facebook. Keep it coming and have the best time! - Susan Benson

Unknown said...

I'm so glad everyone got to see him! Now finally people see why I liked to see his name on the potential VP list - he's a great guy. Makes me proud of my home state! Did it help you be more supportive of my efforts to help MT for the general, too? ;P (hey, worth a try!) Also, you are always on the teevee, I swear! I've seen you at least a gajillion times, it's great. And yes, the fabulousness of his speech did come across. :)